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Morrone, Daniele
La mirabile fusione fredda del piombo da Teofrasto a Plutarco : un riesame critico della questione / Daniele Morrone
In: Physis Vol. 55, n.s., fasc. 1-2 (2020), p. 243-260
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Plutarch's chemistry of stones and metals
conceptions and explanations : with an appendix on the TheSu XML annotation scheme Morrone, Daniele    Martelli, Matteo, 1975-    Università degli studi (Bologna)    This dissertation presents a systematic and analytic overview of most of the information related to stones, minerals, and stone masonry which is found in the corpus of Plutarch... Anno: 2022
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Morrone, Daniele
Plutarch's chemistry of stones and metals : conceptions and explanations : with an appendix on the TheSu XML annotation scheme / Daniele Morrone